Monday, 15 April 2013

Penelope Williamson: Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model!

Penelope Williamson is the latest casualty of the BINTM judges. The Leeds lass, who prior to the show worked in a call centre, stood out for her ability to voice her opinion (Especially to designer Julien Macdonald) and stand her Northern ground.
But her heels weren't dug in hard enough and she was criticised for lacking confidence, resulting in her eviction from the show on Monday night. I caught up with Penny to find out about her time in the model house, what the judges were really like, and her thoughts on her less-than favourite model makeover...

Image subject to copyright/Sky Living.

How long have you been modelling for?
I had no experience before BINTM, so a few months...not long at all!

What made you audition for BINTM?
Boredom! I was at university but dropped out. I always wanted to be a model but I know I'm not quite as thin and toned as you need to be, but due to the TV side of it aswell I thought I'd try my luck with my personality, haha!

Tell us what the casting day was like.
Casting was literally ten minutes in front of producers and a Models 1 scout. Really quick and didn't give you much of an idea if you had done well or not!

How did you react when you found out you were going to be on the show?
I was so excited! But I still didn't know how far I'd gotten, so I didn't let myself get carried away. We didn't know we were in the top 20 until the day!

It was so great seeing a Leeds lass representing us Northern girls, how was it living in the model house?
The model house was a good crack. The sink did get blocked and we didn't have hot water for a while though, so it's not all glamour. But there was plenty of wine to distract me and Anita!

Now, you made it pretty clear that you didn't like your makeover. Tell us about your initial reactions to your 'new-do.'
I started crying! So unlike me. I like to think I'm tough, but I just though what the f*ck have they done, I look like a stripper, haha!
Penny with her 'mega blonde' extensions in a photoshoot for Casio watches.

We take it you didn't keep the extensions then?
The extensions were out the day I got home! I totally get where Elle was coming from, I have quite a round (chubby) face, so I do need long hair. So I am trying to grow it and am keeping it mega blonde! So hopefully I am en-route to the Bardott look after all!

The golden question. What are the judges really like?
It's hard to say what they're really like, there are always cameras which everyone is really conscious of. I think their TV persona's are pretty much what everyone sees. Elle is very calm and caring. Whitney is feisty and honest, with amazing style. Julien, utterly bonkers! Tyson, a bit arrogant and boring, haha!

If you could relive the experience, would you do anything differently?
Naaa. I would love to have gotten further but I'm not going to change or kiss people's arses to get far in life. I'd rather achieve something for being good at it and sticking to my guns!

And finally, what advice would you give to any aspiring models out there?
Don't be unrealistic! If you're not 5'10 and a size 8, things are going to be hard. Even if you're 6ft and a size 0, you still might not be right! Do test shoots, see what you're good at, find out what angles are good for you and find an agency that suits your look! Don't let things get to you and don't get upset or body conscious, embrace what you have and make it work! If not, try doing something else in the fashion industry, like photography (which can probably pay more anyway!)
So Penny's journey in Britain and Ireland's biggest modelling competition is over. So what's next for the blonde beauty? Well, she recently moved to London to carry on pursuing her modelling dream, with the hopes of making it big. It just shows that with enough determination, a strong personality and a winning Leeds lass charm you can get noticed by the industry giants. Just stay grounded, speak your mind and stick to your guns!

Follow Penny at: @PenelopeLane8

Keep following the remaining British beauties on Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model at 9pm, every Monday on Sky Living.

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