Saturday, 15 June 2013

Leeds Fashion Show Casting

So today, I finally plucked up the courage and auditioned for Leeds Fashion Show! I've wanted to audition so many times, but for some reason I've always chickened out. It's the most prestigious show, in the whole of the North I would say! The event draws in some prestigious sponsors, the models are always amazing and the turn out is never shy of a full room. 

This year it's bigger and better than ever! With new fashion magazine, Voir on board, along with the support of international magazine Urban Coco the whole thing has shot to a new level. The new Trinity centre in Leeds was the location of the casting. Huge boards with previous 'Model of The Year' winners were the forefront of the space. When I arrived there were LFS representatives handing out application forms to many models. There was at least 10 models, male and female all there at the same time as myself. Hundreds of models will have applied, and so to get through would be an amazing accomplishment. It makes it difficult to get your hopes up as there are so many great models out there. I have been told I have a strong walk, which hopefully will set me out from the crowd.

The brief for the clothing was to wear something simple and fitted, although Urban Coco have said that they will feature the top 20 best dressed models in their next issue. I decided to go down the middle and go for something simple and chic. A crisp, white trouser suit, with black strappy sandals oozing a masculine edge. I decided to keep my hair away from my face with a bun and natural make-up. When I filled out my application form, I had my photo taken holding a piece of paper with my name on against a wall with a height scale on. Nervously waiting, people would peer around the screen whenever the music came on, as it meant one of the auditionees was walking. 'Kirsty Buttle?' I was up.

Introducing myself to the panel, I could feel my hands sweating! But everyone was really lovely and made me feel relaxed and comfortable. 'Just walk when the music starts, starting at the back, to the front, then back again.' When I get up out of the chair to take my place on the practice runway, I suddenly feel at ease. Taking a deep breath I turn around and face the judges. The music starts. I walk. Head up, shoulders back, just one foot in front of the other.

Not giving much away, I shook their hands and left feeling nervous but satisfied with my audition. I will know within ten days if I made it through. So keep your fingers crossed for me and keep an eye on my page for the result!
T: @KirstLeedsModel
I: KirstyLeedsModel

Love Kirsty

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